I am a product designer and user researcher passionate about building products that people can count on in their daily life. I support organizations in finding the intersection of user needs and business opportunities.
I'm now working on web and product design with startups on a freelance base. I've worked for CuboAi, PEBBO, and academic institutions.
When it comes to design, I'm a generalist. I design, research and code. I enjoy being a hybrid contributing to every aspect related to products and people.
Podcast APP Redesign
The MentorShip Program aims to provide a chance for those who are ambitious but feeling lost to find their directions in pursuing a career. The program aims to gather female in tech for encouraging more outstanding women in tech industry to lead and be guided to a greater development.
I participate in the UX group as a mentee, so as to broaden my UX expertise and get to know more UX enthusiast that we can learn things together. Our team chose the podcast product as our research and IA re-architecturing project.
Stamp Plate: Study family mealtime technology enabling data literacy for preschool children
This project aims to study family mealtime with preschool children and investigate how interactive technology & data play might help with family mealtime for preschoolers and parents.
I co-work with the remote team in the States. Adopting the design thinking process along with previous restaurant observation and parents interview, we came up with several design ideas. We sketched the ideas. The team created three prototypes and test them with the children to validate these ideas; also, the U.S. team spread out the questionnaire with illustrative examples and description of prototypes, to gather the parents' and teachers' feedback on the prototypes.
Eventually, we decided to developed the Stamp Plate prototype into a hi-fidelity tech probe for the field study, to investigate how this mealtime technology would help with family mealtime and what "data play" would affect. I worked with another developer to create the hi-fi prototype, using weight sensor, Arduino, and Processing on the Android tablet. We've explored several approaches, e.g., computer vision, electric capacitiy based solutions; we found using weight sensor is the easiest and the most precise way as for now.
When the user take off the food on the plate, the stamp plate creates a stamp that resemble the food. It keeps track of the food that has been eaten. After the meal, these stamps line up by each food and become art materials that users can create drawings with.
The U.S. team conducted the field studies in the households, before we transcribed the videos into text, conducted qualitative coding and data analysis.
This project is still ongoing. But there's some preliminary result that I could share. For instance, in several studies, the children picky about the food would actively eat the food they didn't like before or eat more food, just because they want to collect different kind of stamps.
This project is still ongoing and we've submitted papers that are currently under review.
You can also refer to our TAICHI'18 paper for the lo-fi testing results and how we built the hi-fi prototype of Stamp Plate.
A haptic motion guidance sleeve for Tai Chi Learning
Online videos make it possible and popular to do exercise and fitness at home. However, for the practitioners, it's not easy to notice the subtle change of motion by merely watching training videos, so they cannot perform the movements well.
In the field study in the on-site Tai chi (太極) classroom, we found that the coach would hold the practitioner's arm to correct the motion, which inspired us to 'design a virtual coach' to enhance the learning of tai chi.
We have designed 'external artificial muscles' on a sleeve to create a pulling sensation that mimic the touch from a virtual touch and can gently guide the forearm’s pronation (internal rotation) and the forearm’s supination (external rotation). We conduct two preliminary experiments to verify the system:
Paper published in Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '16). You can download the paper from ACM digital library or watch my presentation at CHI '16.
Coy: A toy for soothing children's separation anxiety
學齡前(4-7歲)的孩童正在學習認知自己與世界的連結,因而容易在進入陌生環境時感到不安、產生「分離焦慮」。Coy 為一款能讓父母親與孩童共同繪製裝扮並互動的小玩伴,期望透過 Coy 的互動模式,讓孩子將這個小玩伴當作與父母間的「信物」。在孩子感到不安時,Coy 能吸引他的注意力、與他遊戲,藉此舒緩孩子和熟悉的親人、環境分離所產生的不安感。
我們選擇結合玩伴、信物兩者概念,設計出 Coy 的互動原型。小朋友和爸媽各自持有一顆球,在開始使用時,親子可以一起繪製、裝扮這顆球,以共同創作的儀式賦予這顆球生命。小朋友的球是小玩伴,可以對小朋友的碰觸、搖晃、說話、踢、拋等動作回應,透過燈光、球體動態模擬生命體。
初期,爸媽可以藉由遠端控制讓 Coy 主動開始找孩子遊玩,並向孩子解釋是爸媽操作,讓孩子學習「恆存」的概念。並透過每天早晨一起將 Coy 從巢中(充電站)喚醒、每天晚間放進巢中的儀式,給予孩子專屬互動信物。在孩子感到不安時,可以碰觸 Coy,小玩伴的回應可以吸引孩子的注意力、陪他玩遊戲。Coy 運用了分離經驗中「幫助學習恆存」、「暫時分心」、「給予信物」、「萬物有靈」,幫助剛開始上幼稚園、送到保母家的學齡前孩童,舒緩離開熟悉環境、家人所產生的分離焦慮。
Coy 的實作包含:Sphero 控制球的感測、連線、顏色、動態(搖晃、滾動等)、手縫棉墊與不織布的外層與雷設切割密底板製作的巢。
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